Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Twinsie Tuesday Favorite Polish

I love Tuesdays!  And they seem to roll around so quickly. 

This week's Twinsie Tuesday edition is our favorite polishes!!  Yay!  I knew right away what polish I'd use, and that is Orly Fowl Play.  Nory sent it to me and it quickly became my fave.  Of all time.

Isn't it just soooo fabulous?  I cannot get enough I tell you.  There is just so much going on in this polish that I can literally stare at it for days.

Click on the links below to check out the fabulous bunch of bloggers that make up Twinsie Tuesday's...

Amanda at Amandalandish
Ashley at Art Evolve
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Cordia at Srsly Swatched
Katherine at Haul of Fame
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Meredith at Polish and Charms
Rachel at Top Coat It


  1. So beautiful!!!! Great choice ;0).

  2. This is one my all time faves too. So beautiful!

  3. very pretty, this is one of my favs too

  4. Oh how fun! I haven't seen this one but it is wonderfully busy. :D

  5. Wow, there is a LOT going on with this. Not sure I have ever seen it before, but I think I need to find it now!

  6. love this one!! the flakies plus shimmer is just amazing:]

  7. Oh, that is just gorgeous! I can't believe I passed this up last year...I must be insane, lol.

  8. This is sooooo gorgeous on you. Your pictures and swatches are always so phenomenal! So glad you like it!

  9. I am so mad at myself. I was at Ulta and picked this up and then convinced myself I didn't need it. WRONG I'm going back. This is so pretty!

  10. I have this and LOVE it so much too!

  11. This is sooooo pretty. I really really want/need to get it for myself.

  12. Very beautiful!! It looks really gorgeous on you! :D

  13. I can see why this is your favorite! I've never seen this polish before, it's amazing!

  14. So pretty!!!! I saw this at Sally beauty in the core display!

  15. Oh, I love it! I have this and have yet to use it! I guess it will be my next mani!

  16. Excellent choice! This is one of my favorites too! It looks amazing on you.

  17. This is also one of my favorites, but I don't think it looks as good on me as it does on you. This looks amazing on you - rock it! ;) Great choice!

  18. this is sooooo pretty on you!! It looks great on you!!


I looove your comments! They make me happy, keep 'em coming! I'd love to check out your blog too, please email me, grapefizznails@yahoo.ca

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