Monday, 10 April 2017

OPI Lucky Lucky Lavender

Hey Dolls!

I have an oldie-but-a-goodie OPI to share with you.  Lucky Lucky Lavender is from the Hong Kong Collection 2010.  I found this at Winners the other day and had to pick it up, it's been on my wish list for a while now!

Lucky Lucky Lavender is a beautiful pink-leaning lavender cream.  The formula was fantastic, two smooth, buttery coats.  I'm so glad that I finally own this beauty!

Have a great week lovelies!

Anne xo


  1. This is gorgeous and really suits you. I love this kind of shade, esp for this time of year!
    Vicky x

  2. Had this colour before, but can't fint it in the shops anymore. Where can I find this pls.


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